Case Studies: Get off Ventilator in 3 Days!


Case Studies: Get off Ventilator in 3 Days!

Thinking out of the box is critical and can turn many impossible possible, including in traditional healthcare.   Our Founder’s personal story is a good example.

Case Study: Get off Ventilator, Regain Independence

My mother was put on a ventilator in ICU since she could not breathe on her own. About five weeks later, she was diagnosed ventilator-dependent for the rest of her life since she could not improve.  My mom refused to live on the ventilator, so I had to be the one to discontinue her lifeline. I decided to exam her myself first. To my surprise, I found she could breathe by raising and relaxing her diaphragm (abdominal breath). I taught her a new way of breathing. She got off the ventilator in three days. Later she regained her independence through both Eastern and Western medicine.

Almost every doctor knows abdominal breath that humans use during childhood, but it can be hard to go outside the adult area to find tools and save lives.

While it is painful to lose loved ones, loved ones also have the right to live with dignity and make his or her own life decision. I was lucky that I went to medical school and could save my mother.  I would respect her wish and help her had I failed as suicide was not an unwise decision for her.


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