Case Study: Find Missing Tools, See Heart Doctors Less


Case Study: Find Missing Tools, See Heart Doctors Less

Business owner Mr. T was admitted to the hospital again for heart disease.  Although his father had heart disease, many of his siblings were healthy.  Mr. T enjoyed his work and family and had a good business.  However, he could only sleep 4-5 hours whenever something new coming to him, and insomnia often lasted for days. Then he had to be admitted to the hospital.  His cardiologist told him that he would need open heart surgery or a heart transplant if his condition got worse. The latter costs $780,000~1,200,000.

Did the cardiologist miss anything?  Most people would say no, but the answer is incorrect.

Good sleep is a critical part of Mr. T’s recovery, which sleeping pills cannot solve. We should identify why he could not handle new events, teach him the skills he missed or choose the right alternatives.  This part is beyond traditional healthcare and leadership tools.

Find Missing Tools, Beat Heart Disease, See Doctors Less

The Executive 6Q Assessment found that Mr. T had development needs in daily self-management, from work, relaxation, and sleep hygiene.  No leadership, career and other significant issues.  After a series of exercises, Mr. T could sleep well. Then his heart disease stopped getting worse, lab test results came back better, and his hospitalization dropped from 4-5 times/year to 1 time in the first year.  Then he could remain stable on medication.


Heart disease is often directly stress-related. Survivors often lack the right tools to meet challenges.   In the above case, the challenge is unable to sleep well after new event emerges.  Without getting to the root causes, treatments and their costs can advance quickly. This principle applies to about 70% of health issues.

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