

BYBSH is a part of The Prince Synergy. We believe everyone has the right to be their best and stay healthy, and help businesses and individuals save health, dreams and money AND take early action with the right tools.

What Limit Traditional Approaches?

Traditional approach works on mental issues through behavior management, has limited healing when individuals’ temperature is normal, and cannot manage non-health causes or anticipate issues efficiently since it cannot get to the root causes of behaviors. However,

  • Behaviors are often not their root causes. 
  • Individuals with burnout, heart attack, traumatic brain injury (TBI), etc. often have normal temperature. 
  • About 70% of health issues have non-health causes or are stress-related.

Subsequently, about 90% of healthcare money is spent on endless symptom relieves, including ER visits and hospital stays. Mental health management is a good example.


We have been there and know the pain. We get to the complex root causes of behaviors through 6Q assessment, manage non-health causes with the right tools, and can heal when individuals’ temperature is normal.  We help clients anticipate health issues and take early action.

As a result, we often enable individuals to stay healthy better, achieve fast and lasting results in mental health, recover individuals from tough chronic issues, such as heart attack, traumatic brain injury, end secondary depression or suicides, and minimize ER visits and hospital stays efficiently.       

Contact BYBSH with your issue if you desire faster and better results and save money or if your issue is impossible to anyone else.

How We Help Clients

PS: clients need to come to us when they are medically stable as BYBSH does not provide emergent care.