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How to Manage Complex Mental Health Issues?

Mental health management is not just a mind management as the outside world and challenges as well as internal and external resources can all impact its outcome.  Mental health management is a part of our Level 5 leadership development as it is a quick way for leaders to boost productivity, win hearts and minds, and achieve their goal better.

What Makes Mental Health Issues Complex?

When they have complex root causes of behaviors, come with health issues, including psychiatric components, or are on their way.  These are often beyond management personnel’s scope but can be better taken care if management personnel know how to give initial support and help team members get to the right direction. Unlike general public, employees’ mental health issues are often secondary and have better chances to recover if we can get to their root causes. 

What Limit Traditional Approaches?

  • Traditional approach works on mental issues through behavior management. However, behaviors are often not their root causes. 
  • Traditional approach has limited healing when individuals’ temperature is normal. Individuals who suffer from burnout, heart attack, traumatic brain injury (TBI), etc. often have normal temperature.  Subsequently, burnout has become a big reason for tech talent worn off early.  Individuals with heart attack and TBI often develop depression or commit suicides since it is hard to “AVOID ALL STRESS” or “accept the next level of placement.”
  • Many mental health issues can be anticipated, including PTSD, and early action can minimize onset. Traditional approach is limited here since it cannot get to the root causes of behaviors.

What Makes Us Different?

  •  We get to the complex root causes of behaviors through 6Q assessment and can optimize healing when individuals’ temperature is normal.  We often can restore individuals from burnout in days, and optimize their performance if they are not at their best, which fasten their mental health restoration.  We can also recover individuals from many underlying chronic issues, such as heart attack and TBI, and end secondary depression or suicides efficiently. 
  • We help clients anticipate coming mental health issues and take early action since we can look at the big picture, look far, and target issues with the right tools at each stage.

How Will BYBSH Clinic Help You?

We work on individuals and their environments.

We help management personnel understand the needs of mental health management at workplace, take the right approach over common and complex issues, and build a mentally healthy work environment.

Contact BYBSH Clinic with your issue even if it is impossible to anyone else.



Case Study: Find Missing Tools, See Heart Doctors Less

Business owner Mr. T was admitted to the hospital again for heart disease.  Although his father had heart disease, many of his siblings were healthy.  Mr. T enjoyed his work and family and had a good business.  However, he could only sleep 4-5 hours whenever something new coming to him, and insomnia often lasted for days. Then he had to be admitted to the hospital.  His cardiologist told him that he would need open heart surgery or a heart transplant if his condition got worse. The latter costs $780,000~1,200,000.

Did the cardiologist miss anything?  Most people would say no, but the answer is incorrect.

Good sleep is a critical part of Mr. T’s recovery, which sleeping pills cannot solve. We should identify why he could not handle new events, teach him the skills he missed or choose the right alternatives.  This part is beyond traditional healthcare and leadership tools.

Find Missing Tools, Beat Heart Disease, See Doctors Less

The Executive 6Q Assessment found that Mr. T had development needs in daily self-management, from work, relaxation, and sleep hygiene.  No leadership, career and other significant issues.  After a series of exercises, Mr. T could sleep well. Then his heart disease stopped getting worse, lab test results came back better, and his hospitalization dropped from 4-5 times/year to 1 time in the first year.  Then he could remain stable on medication.


Heart disease is often directly stress-related. Survivors often lack the right tools to meet challenges.   In the above case, the challenge is unable to sleep well after new event emerges.  Without getting to the root causes, treatments and their costs can advance quickly. This principle applies to about 70% of health issues.


Case Study: Should A CEO Be Charming?

Mr. M, the CEO of a large construction company, was excellent in construction work and devoted to his job.  However, he was impatient with his staff’s “silly” questions and wanted the team to follow his development model. He also liked to wear his college outfits wherever he went.  As a result, his chairman concerned his manner and image could cost their business opportunities.

The Executive 6Q Assessment found that Mr. M was excellent in schools, from elementary to university.  He had a healthy Ego and was sharp in decision-making, learning, customer needs satisfaction, etc.  However, he was weak in emotional control and expression, poor Public Relationship awareness, and had limited conflict management skills and leadership styles.

Bring Internal Charm Out
We recommended custom “Be Charming, Win Heart and Minds” to address his issues.   Mr. M quickly understood the gap between his self-awareness and others’ perception, his natural skills and professional levels, and developed the skills and styles needed.  In less than three months, he won the hearts and minds of his staff back.

Should a CEO be charming?  Of course!   Our CEO studies have found that no CEO can achieve desirable results if others cannot perceive his or her leadership properly.  People skills or physical appearance alone cannot make a charming CEO, not to mention an exceptional CEO.  Being charming also means less conflicts and resistances to handle and more hearts and minds to win.

Most CEOs do 1 of 2 things: (1) speak to other CEOs and ex-CEOs and (2) talk to a professional coach.  The first can advise Mr. M based on their experiences, and the second mainly encourages Mr. M. to find his own solutions or give him some EQ tools and behavior modification.  Neither could solve Mr. M’s problems quickly.  For more discussion, please read Identify  Your Missing Software, Go from Good to Great Efficiently Chapter 5.

Relate reading:
Should a CEO Be Charming, Win Hearts and Minds?

More Case Studies 


Case Study: 30-year Insomnia Is Over!

An office manager suffered severe insomnia since she had night shifts 30 years ago — she could only sleep 2-3 hours a day. Her hair became white and thin (hair loss) when she was a little over 50, which happened to none of her family members. Her doctor prescribed the same sleeping pills for each of her visits, and she kept on going back to the same doctor. She got agitated easily, and could not stop worrying over something simple; for example,  she could stay up whole night if one relative was coming to visit her. She wanted to take care of EVERY issue. 

The Executive 6Q Assessment found that she poor energy restoration, limited relaxation methods, and poor sleeping habits. No time management, decision-making or other issues noticed.

A comprehensive approach
We first modified her sleeping habits and daily life management. We also taught her two particular relaxation methods before sleep. No pills or psychotherapy.

Sleep well again after 30 years! Hair grows back!
After two weeks, she could sleep about 6 hrs at night, and not get agitated easily. Soon her problem-solving also improved, and her hair grew thicker!

More Cases Studies on Insomnia


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